Tuesday, February 23, 2010

..Strep?.. Flu?...

I am updating my blog while suffering from something that closely resembles the flu.. I am currently running a fever of 101 and drifting in and out of consciousness.. Apparently, a fever can drain you of all energy, make you sore all over and very sleepy.. I did not know this! Well, you've been updated! I am going back to bed. Ugh!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

..A Nice Day Of College.. For Once!..

"God helps those who help themselves." A quote from Benjamin Franklin. This quote basically sums up my previous week! Having 3 tests all in 3 days was a serious stresser. BUT, I somehow managed to pull it off!! Having A.D.D., it is VERY difficult for me to study for one test much less THREE.. But with perserverance that I never had in highschool, I studied day and night and prepared the best that I could. I found out the fruit of my efforts today: Spanish Test = 95%.. Mass Media = 98% and Psychology = 80%.. I wasn't pleased with the 80 but I'll take that over a 50 anyday! Now I can breathe a deep sigh of relief... *AAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!* Now that the studying is behind me (for now!), I have begun reading 4... YES, FOUR.. different books! "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger, "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury, "Keith Richards: The Biography" by Victor Bockris and "The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty" by Anne Rice (A.N. Roquelaure). I figured that if the number of college textbooks that I MUST read is lower than the number of books I read for pleasure, life would seem a lot less stressful and/or dull. So far, Bradbury is my favorite.. But I will keep you posted!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

~Welcome To My Blog~

Yep.. I have started blogging! Facebook never lets me say NEARLY as much as I want to sometimes and it's not NEARLY as pretty as blogs can be now-a-days! So, for my very first blog post, let me say thanks for checking me out! You will surely hear about Morgan, Tripp, AUM, RUBY, Migraines.......Migraines some more!, and whatever else creeps into my wonderful and busy life! Stay tuned!!!!

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